바이어와의 거래, 이제 더 이상 불안해 하지 마세요.
KOTRA, VISA 그리고 NHN KCP가 함께 만든
대금 회수가 원활하지 않아 걱정 많으셨지요?
GTPP를 통한다면 무역 대금을 카드로 정산 받을 수 있어요.
대금 걱정은 GTPP에게 맡겨 놓고 더 중요한 일에 집중하세요.
늘어나는 매출에 비해
줄어드는 현금, 높은 대출 이자,
해외 바이어가 카드로 결제 시
30-40일 앞당겨 받으실 수 있습니다.
해외 은행과 카드 발급사들의
법인카드 심사는 생각보다 까다롭습니다.
까다로운 심사를 통과한 바이어에게
카드로 수출 대금을 받아보세요.
플랫폼을 이용하기 위한 수수료 단 1.5%,
수수료가 아무리 낮아도 혼자 내진 마세요.
바이어와 함께 낼 수 있는 기능도 있으니까요.
해외 바이어도 카드 정산을 원하냐고요?
특정국가들의 설문조사 내용에 따르면
바이어 역시 카드로 수출 대금 결제를 하고 싶다고 해요.
플랫폼은 어떻게 가입해야 하나요?
밑에 사전예약 링크를 통해
필요한 서류들 제출하시고 온라인상으로 가입하시면 됩니다.
Subject: A more convenient method to pay for your order
Dear Buyer (buyer’s name),
(name of Korean exporter) Thank you for your support and we wish you well.,
We want to bring to your attention that, the Kotra Payment Platform will be launched in October 2024. This innovative platform that simplifies trade payment between Korean sellers and their buyers overseas is the result of a strategic partnership between Kotra and Visa.,
As a participant on this new platform, I'd like to encourage you to use this new, easy-to-use and secure credit card payment platform to pay for your order, so that it can we can get more accurate information and timely settlement of the funds. For more information, please check partner.gtpp.co.kr,
To use this service, please register at partner.gtpp.co.kr and call Visa Inc to obtain information about the participating banks.,
Thank you,
Name of Korean Supplier
Email title:(ご案内)Kotra プラットフォームを活用したクレジットカード決済について
2024年10月にKotra Payment Platformが開始されます。Kotraが日本のお客様を始めとする海外企業と韓国業者との取引をより円滑するべく、構築したサービスでございます。
つきましては、Kotra Payment のパートナーである以下の法人カード発行会社(Visaブランドのみ)をご紹介させていただきたく、直接コンタクトをお取りいただければと思います。
三井住友カード株式会社 XXX担当 / email XXXXXXXXXX
株式会社クレディセゾン XXX担当 / email XXXXXXXXXX
【Kotra Payment Platform 】
Subject: A more convenient method to pay for your order
Dear Buyer (buyer’s name),
(name of Korean exporter) Thank you for your support and we wish you well.
We want to bring to your attention that, the Kotra Payment Platform will be launched in October 2024. This innovative platform that simplifies trade payment between Korean sellers and their buyers overseas is the result of a strategic partnership between Kotra and Visa.
As a participant on this new platform, I'd like to encourage you to use this new, easy-to-use and secure credit card payment platform to pay for your order, so that it can we can get more accurate information and timely settlement of the funds. For more information, please check partner.gtpp.co.kr
To use this service, please register at partner.gtpp.co.kr and obtain a dedicated credit card from one of the following participants banks:
· Barnote
· Banamex
For any queries, reach out to Aldo Chiquini at Visa Mexico via alchiquin@visa.com
Thank you
Name of Korean Supplier
Subject: Kotra提供您更創新便利的採購支付體驗
我們想跟您分享,2024年10月大韓貿易投資振興公社(Kotra)將上線全新的數位支付平台 –Kotra Payment Platform,該平台為Visa與大韓貿易投資振興公社的戰略合作專案,將有效簡化中韓買家與賣家間的支付流程。
若註冊該平台成為會員,將可使用該創新、簡易、安全的商務卡支付工具,支付採購費用,可即時檢視交易資訊、強化財務管控。若您需更多資訊,請洽該網站 partner.gtpp.co.kr。
若想立即行動,請至該網站 partner.gtpp.co.kr 選擇以下推薦銀行註冊申辦商務卡:
· 遠東國際商業銀行
若您仍有其他疑問,歡迎洽台灣Visa辦公室 Jasper Tsai (htsai@visa.com)